The Hegemonic Western Imperialism is Back Again to Haunt Africa!


By Aaron Gono

Listening to the recently installed Sheriff of the United States of America, reminds one that Africa is still the hunting ground of the West.

 When the new leaders of French speaking countries of the north of Africa disowned France; Mr Macron was quick to mobilize some North African leaders against what he perceived as infringement of his rights.

 We write his rights because all former French colonies, their administrative city was Paris. All decisions to make these countries’ affairs were deliberated there. All the natural resources from these countries were sorted out there and it was mandatory that they pass through Paris.

The late Muammar Gaddafi who proposed the formation of the United States of Africa.

So when the young army guys, in these French sub units realized that their so called Presidents, were in cohort with their French handlers in looting and spiriting their minerals away; they rebelled against them. And they were called “juntas,” not liberators as the M23 is now being called.

The citizens of these countries rallied behind them because they were sick and tired of being bossed around by their former colonizer. Now the shining beacon of this dream is Traore of Burkina Faso. He is making sure that every mineral leaving the country must benefit Burkinabes, not the other way around.

He also tries to beneficiate all minerals leaving his country. He doesn’t believe in the “baas kaap” ( slave and master ) relationships, where minerals leave their countries in raw forms; where many minerals will be creamed out of the perceived one mineral. For example Mashava and Zvishavane in Zimbabwe were known as asbestos mining towns from time immemorial. But today they are both gold and platinum producing towns.

But only asbestos was declared as the only mineral being sorted out there for more than a century. That is what Traore says “must stop” ( doing business in bad faith). So Cyril Ramaphosa president of the Republic of South Africa recently signed an Expropriation Act into law. This wanton behavior irked and incensed the President of the U.S.A, and he promised gnashing of teeth to the republic.

The late Zimbabwe strongman Robert Mugabe with the late Queen of England.

So as a concerned pan-Africanist my advice to Ramaphosa is “Please don’t copy and paste the Robert Mugabe way. Poverty has gripped us (Zimbabweans) because we rallied behind Bob in dismantling the white men’s citadel (land). So don’t try this at home.” As a listening president l know he gonna repeal the law.

Zimbabwe is trying to appease the White House and 10 &11 Downing Streets by trying to compensate its former white commercial farmers. But the US, can’t entertain that nonsense. Every year the Zimbabwe Democracy Recovery Act (Zidera) is renewed with a new flavour. Falsely promising gullible Zimbabweans that these time it’s Mnangagwa, Chiwenga and Tagwireyi who are their only targets.

Let me laugh at this crap of shit! Targeting only who? You are the targets ordinary Zimbabweans. You must rise and fight against the presidium. That is the objective of Zidera. Now President Trump is frothing at the mouth that Ramaphosa is “doing a horrible and terrible thing in South Africa. He is confiscating land”.

Whose land is Ramaphosa accused of confiscating? The African land is being confiscated from the “baas”? Aborigines in Australia are homeless, Red Indians in North America had been reduced to zero by the Caucasians. So who has the right to complain, them or us? What distortion of history “Christopher Columbus discovered America and David Livingstone discovered the Victoria falls ( Mosi-oa- Tunya). History is written by the victors.

And why African presidents can’t speak with one voice like the Arabs? What’s wrong with them, always snitching against one another because of money and other luxuries. South Africa is a member of the BRICS alliance, China and Russia are eternal enemies of the USA because of their trade wars mainly.

The fact that South Africa took Israel to the International Court of Justice is a red herring and secondary issue. The primary one is “if you are not with us, you are against us.” Remember George W. Bush’s Axis of Evil speech in 2001.

“I am just requesting Mr Trump not to repeat the “Scramble for Africa” again. As we are fledglingly understanding democracy now. And we are going to give the West all land and minerals it may deem necessary. Despite us not incognizant of property rights, we are potential students to learn. So Mr Trump give us a second chance. We are going to tell our leaders not to befriend China and Russia and abide with your wishes only.

We remain your obedient subjects. Hope you take this palm olive branch as a sign of subjugation. Thank you.”


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