MASVINGO-It is only a day to go before the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission nomination court sits, but the main opposition, Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) led by youthful Nelson Chamisa is yet to make public its final list of candidates to face the ruling Zanu PF party.
The move has created anxiety among aspiring candidates as there are instances where more than three aspiring candidates are still in the running for nominations.
CCC abandoned primary elections and adopted what it described as a citizen-centred selection process where ‘ordinary citizens’ were given a chance to select representatives of their choice.
An independent selection panel led by human rights defender Rashid Mahiya is overseeing the selection process of the party’s candidates.
According to a source close to CCC the names of candidates in Masvingo Province will only be revealed on the nomination day for reasons best known to Chamisa the sole leader of the outfit.
Masvingo Urban ward 7 Councilor and aspiring candidate for ward 8 said there is nothing wrong with the names being delayed because it is a strategy and the process is meant to avoid double candidates.
“The citizens are working on assumptions as we are all not yet certain who has or has not made it yet. It is taking long of course but God is in it. This process will help in avoiding double candidates and filing of independent candidates which always makes it look like our party has no order. It is a strategy by President Nelson Chamisa. The names are yet to be released but I am sure the people will know as we are waiting for only a few names to be finalised,” said Musekiwa.
One resident from Mucheke who identified himself as Jussy mocked the party saying it has no order and their selection process is vague.
“I do not think that CCC is capable of running this country if it is to win the forthcoming general elections. There is so much chaos and disorder in the party. With a day to go to the nomination court we have no idea who is going to represent us with their selection process which is very complex.
“They claim it is unique but it does not make sense as the process is taking more than a month and still we do not know the contestants, even the results for a general election do not take that long,” he said.
“People should not read much into this CCC project, don’t forget the symbol is very clear as it is a single forefinger, meaning this is Chamisa’s personal project, CCC means Chamisa Chete Chete and he will have the final say on everything, remember at one time he said , ndine kamoyo kadiki kekuregerera, so he will do it his way, his cronies will be nominated as candidates,” said Joseph Mapundu an aspiring councillor who fell by the wayside in the cumbersome selection process.
Others fear that releasing names on the last day might affect even the candidates because they will need time to prepare and get money for nomination.