Is Gvt obliged to compensate white commercial farmers?
Aaron Gono
Saddam Hussein allowed the United Nations weapons inspectors to come in his country and vet it for weapons of mass destruction.
He did this in pursuit of peace and less punishment from the Group of Seven (G7) , viz, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan ,the United Kingdom and the United States of America. These countries say they represent advanced democracies in the world.
What a sham? They always prepare their meals and eat them too. These countries are the United Nations; they wrote its book of rules and named it the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. After centuries of looting around the globe they found it necessary to pacify their deeds by aiding developing countries and teach them moral lessons.
Remember the HIV/ AIDS and COVID -19 pandemics, surely the big brothers stood with us. They also calibrate the electronic wire transfer through their SWIFT facility (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). If your are stubborn like Cde. Putin, you are switched off from it and no further international transactions will be done with other world banks. So that is how their advanced democracies work.
I am now digressing from my topic. Saddam Hussein did whatever he could to stop the G7’s “shock and awe.” Despite meeting all its demands, George W. Bush could not take it anymore; he attacked Iraq in 2003. This war led to the downfall of Saddam Hussein. He was later captured, his two sons Qusay and Uday were also eliminated. He was interrogated for nearly three years and in 2006, he was handed over to a group of Shiite faction, which did the dirty job for the US.
Instead of handing him over to the Hague, he was tossed to another terrorist group in lraq that later hanged him. It was a kangaroo court that tried him.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was written in the Bible form; whereby certain church leaders pick up certain verses which justify their actions and deeds. It’s like the US is not a signatory of the International Court of Justice. But some so called dictators are send there under its guide.
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) : emphasizes the rights of indigenous peoples to their lands and resources, advocating for compensation and restitution where lands have been taken without consent.
Also the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) ; article 17 states that everyone has the right to own property, but it doesn’t address expropriation directly. Why? Paying former white commercial farmers is a noble idea to appease Tony Blair and Associates. But not the G7.
In 1890 and thereabouts Zimbabweans were forcefully moved from their fertile lands and settled in Tribal Trust Lands. The soils were poor and terrain, mountainous!
Instead of Zimbabwe getting a restitution, it is now being punished again. Pay them or you will get stuck in the economic morass or regime change is on the way. Africa is a continent blamed for its kakistocracy and deserves to be guided. George Orwell’s references to Big Brother, the Thought Police, the Ministry of Truth, Newspeak, and Telescreen are today haunting us. All is done in the name of “Democracy”. And why are western governments behaving like bandits who are mostly known for their pursuit of economy opportunism. The Zimbabwean government must not pay the white farmers, instead the imperialists must pay us.
“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion….but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do”- Daniel Hannan, The Daily Telegraph- 10 December 2023.