Nyasha Marumbi
MUTARE-A 10 year old boy is in trauma as he was the first to see his father, a prominent Zimunya businessman, Jonathan Muradzikwa from Chitiyo Village hanging from a tree in their yard as he had gone out to answer nature’s call at around 6am.
The shocking incident happened on Sunday June 2, 2024 in the morning.
Speaking to The Midweek Watch, Assistant Inspector Wiseman Chinyoka said that on Sunday 2 June at around 6am Muradzikwa (43), who is a well known businessman in Zimunya was found dead hanging on a tree branch at his homestead.

Assistant Inspector Chinyoka said that, on June 2 at 4 am, Jonathan was at home with his three children aged 15, 12 and 10 as his wife had gone to Chikanga to nurse her grandfather who is critically ill.
Muradzikwa woke his children up and bode them farewell and advised them to be each other’s keeper and also advised them to tell their mother to use the money he had left in the house to pay for their school fees and start a poultry project.
His elder daughter asked him why he was saying all this and he said he was going away for a long period of time and then immediately left without elaborating.
At 6am, Muradzikwa’s last born(10) went outside to relieve himself, but saw his father hanging from a tree branch and went back to advise his sisters who then called Brian Muradzikwa, the young brother to the deceased who stays in Penhalonga, who went on to report the matter at Zimunya police station.
Chinyoka said people should always try to share whatever concerns or problems they may be facing in life with friends or relatives for counselling than to bottle themselves up with issues that can be solved by engaging counselors or the police who are always ready to assist whenever there are family disputes or one is in strees.
The police attended the scene and a postmortem was done and no visible injuries were observed.
Mourners gathered at Muradzikwa’s homestead today,Monday 3 June for burial.