Faith doesn’t remove your problems, it transforms them. We can’t connect the dots moving forward. We can only connect them looking backward.
So, keep faith that as messy as your situation may be right now, in the longer arch of time, the dots will connect.
Having faith that some higher order is at work doesn’t remove your challenges, but it transforms your relationship to them. faith reminds us that everything will ultimately work out for your highest good will expand your bandwidth for seeing the good – and making the best – of even your greatest challenges. On the flip side, operating from fear will just shrink it.
Perhaps those storms you think have come to disrupt your path are really just revealing it. The most valuable chapters of our lives often don’t get a little much later.
We all have our ideas of how things ‘should’ be. So when our plans derail and the reality we find ourselves in is a far cry from the one we’d worked for, it’s easy to get into a wrestling match with life. But the biggest thing that messes us up is not the external conditions of our lives, it’s the picture in our heads about how we think those conditions should be. When you let go and accept your reality for all that it is, you reclaim energy lost to the battle against what it isn’t.
Sure they are not like the one you’ve dealt with now. But you have a 100% success rate at overcoming difficult situations. And if you think back to them, you’ll recall that at the time you worried you might now have what it would take only to discover that you did. Well that same tendency to underestimate your resiliency is still wired into you. So just remember, you are capable of difficult things. You’ve risen above them before, you win again.
Most people underestimate their capacity for life. They spin themselves as story that if ‘that’ happened, they couldn’t handle it. when faced with a major life crisis or significant adversity, people discover within themselves a far greater capacity for life than they’d imagined.
We can never underestimate the strength of the human spirit. We may feel utterly crushed but within us is a force that can rise again, even from the darkest times.
Many have also lost their businesses, jobs, livelihoods and future plans. Not to mention the hundreds and thousands of lives this crisis has claimed
Sadness. Anger. Frustration. Despondency. Anguish. Disappointment. Envy. Hurt. These emotions are part and parcel of the human experience. Unfortunately, though we live in a culture that often does positivity to excess and suffer from the phenomena coined ‘toxic positivity’.
All emotions are legitimate and need to be validated. Denying, minimalizing and masking the difficult emotions that naturally rise up when we are facing challenges doesn’t make them go away. It just makes them bury deeper until they eventually get expressed in unhealthy and destructive ways.
Negative emotions are necessary for us to flourish, So don’t beat yourself up for not feeling upbeat. And don’t pretend to be on top of things when you’re feeling weighed under. After all, pretending to be strong is still pretending.
Whether you’re feeling sad, angry, disappointed or just super despondent about your future, extend compassion toward yourself and give those emotions the space they need. Honor their validity. Just don’t get stuck in them. The emotions that you don’t own, will own you.
You would not be half the person you were today if everything you’d ever wanted had gone to plan. You might not choose your current circumstances, but they hold a silent invitation for you to grow into more of the person you have it within you to be.
Adversity has a way of introducing us to aspects of our humanity strengths, talents and deeper dimensions of our own being that we couldn’t access without them. So embrace those uncomfortable emotions for the opportunity they hold to learn and grow in whole new ways.
growth and comfort can’t ride the same horse. Just because an experience is hard, doesn’t mean it’s bad. Sometimes the very worst thing that ever happened to us can turn out to be the very best thing.