Farmers urged to adopt water conservation measures amidst heavy rains


Roseline Mutare

Despite the unpredictable rainfall patterns, farmers are being encouraged to adopt water conservation measures to ensure a successful harvest.

Prof Jiri during a field day visit in 2024.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, farmers should not lose hope due to rains, but instead, manage the rains effectively.

Lands and Agriculture Permanent Secretary, Professor Obert Jiri, emphasized the importance of water conservation measures.

 “Farmers should not be discouraged by the rains, Instead, they should focus on managing the water through conservation measures such as infiltration pits, this will help to reduce runoff and ensure that the water is retained in the soil for future use,” said Prof Jiri.

Prof Jiri also highlighted the importance of split-applying fertilizers.

“Split-applying fertilizers is another effective way to manage the rains, by applying fertilizers in smaller amounts at different stages of crop growth, farmers can reduce the risk of fertilizer being washed away by heavy rains,” he said.

The Ministry of Agriculture is urging farmers to adopt these water conservation measures to ensure a successful harvest despite the unpredictable rainfall patterns.

By adopting these measures, farmers can reduce the risk of crop failure and ensure a stable food supply. As Professor Jiri emphasized.

 “With effective water conservation measures, farmers can manage the rains and ensure a successful harvest,” he added.


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