We know SADC leaders are coming into the country. This operation of chasing vendors out of CBD is cruel, satanic and inconsiderate.
Vending is our only source of income. We have children to feed. There are no jobs in Zimbabwe. Its only people like Apostle Andrew Wutaunashe who think there are jobs in Zimbabwe who advice you wrongly.
Mr President during election campaign you termed us *”Vendors4ED”*.What went wrong now?
SADC countries have better economies than ours. It’s better that the SADC Presidents see the truth. This will help if we seek refugee in their countries they will treat us knowing there is nothing in this Zimbabwe. Havatibate senhapwa asi sevatamburi.
Mr President musaviga urema hamubatsirwe nazvo izvi. Please regai vaone kuti munyika munoda rubatsiro. Munoda kuviga kukonewa kwenyu here? Kana musingagone hamugone henyuzve. How long are you going to hide the truth?
Mr President it seems you like SADC leaders more than your people. Why do you behave like a foreigner?
Yours in tears
Mai Machuma( Vendor at Coppa Cabana)