
Business Mastery MasterClass

“Proximity is power. Who you spend time with is who you become.” ~ Tony Robbins, World’s #1 Success Coach

Your environment is everything. The people in it will make or break your success.

That’s why all of the most successful people throughout history have deliberately surrounded themselves with others who inspire them to become the best versions of themselves.

If you want to achieve more success in your life, then you MUST do the same.

You must surround yourself with people who inspire you, lift you up when you fall, challenge you to become more, help raise your standard, and believe in your ability to achieve your wildest dreams.

The best way to create this empowering environment is by joining the Business Mastery MasterClass.

Being apart of the Business Mastery MasterClass has been one of the single most important decision I’ve ever made in my life, as it’s created the “empowering ecosystem” that has supported my personal growth and success to this day.

A Business Mastery MasterClass is the best way to accelerate your progress and is essential for anyone that wants to further their success.

With the right team of people in your corner, you will be better able to achieve your goals and stay focused on your path to mastery.

“The richest people in the world build networks. Everyone else is trained to look for work.”

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Choose carefully.”

Jim Rohn, Motivational Speaker

“The Mastery MasterClass principle consists of an alliance of two or more minds working in perfect harmony for the attainment of a common definitive objective.

“Success does not come without the cooperation of others.”

Napoleon Hill, author of Think And Grow Rich

The Power Of the Business Mastery MasterClass

The benefits of being apart of a Business Mastery MasterClass is endless.

Here are some reasons why joining one of these groups may be the most important success moves you ever make.


A Business Mastery MasterClass Holds You Accountable

This is one of the top reasons why everyone should join a Business Mastery MasterClass.

Following through on your commitments can be challenging when you are only accountable to yourself. However, nobody wants to let others down. By being a part of a Mastery MasterClass you are expected to talk about how your goals are progressing.

More importantly, if you followed through on what you said you would do the last time you met with the group.


A Business Mastery MasterClass Gives You Feedback

A Business Mastery MasterClass is comprised of like minded people who are trying to create success just like yourself.

Their unique perspectives make for some invaluable feedback that will help you take your life and business in the right direction.

More importantly, these people will be able to answer your questions and help solve your problems a lot faster and more efficiently than if you figured it out on your own.


A Business Mastery MasterClass Provides You With An Instant Network

The more effort you put into growing your network, the more opportunities that will be presented to you.

When you join a Business Mastery MasterClass you are instantly a part of a network where you are able to connect with like minded people who are going places in life.

Each member will come into the group with resources that could potentially help catapult your success.


A Business Mastery MasterClass Offers You Support

The journey of success can be lonely sometimes. The world of entrepreneurship presents a unique set of challenges and fears that others may not be able to relate to.

A Business Mastery MasterClass provides a solid support system of people who will encourage you to keep going when you encounter challenges in your life and business. Sometimes that’s all it takes to not give up and throw in the towel.


A Business Mastery MasterClass Offers an opportunity to Share Your Ideas

Whether you’re thinking about starting a business, want to grow your existing one or are starting to think about your exit strategy, a Business Mastery MasterClass is a place to share your ideas and get feedback. A quality Business Mastery MasterClass will brainstorm with you, provide a different perspective and poke holes in your strategies.


A Business Mastery MasterClass Offers opportunities to Elevate Your Skills

An ideal  Business Mastery MasterClass brings together businesspeople at different levels of success and with different strengths and weaknesses.

This way, each member can lend their strengths to other members of the group and work on their weaknesses.  Business Mastery MasterClass will help you question your limiting beliefs, face your fears and challenge you to do better, every day.

“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”
 Oprah Winfrey

Criteria For A Successful Business Mastery MasterClass

In order for a Business Mastery MasterClass to be successful, you must make sure you have a criteria and guidelines that you follow.

This will ensure that everyone within the group will be on the same page and receiving value from one another.


Choose Your Members Wisely

● Ideally, you want to surround yourself with those that are more successful than yourself. This will ensure you raise yourself to their level as fast as possible.

● You want to be around like minded, driven, motivated, and positive people

● Avoid people that are negative or will bring down the MasterClass.


Determine The Logistics

● How often will you meet?

○ Weekly, bi weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly?

● How many members can join?

○ I recommend at least 5 people and a max of 15.

● How long is each meeting?

○ I recommend anywhere from 1-3 hours.

● Where will you meet and at what time?

○ In person?

  ○ Online through Skype, Zoom or a Google Hangout?


Create An Agenda That Dives Deep Into A Specific Topic

● Rotating “hot seat” where each member gets feedback from one another.

○ The person on the “hot seat” gets to ask the group for help or feedback with

regards to overcoming a challenge or accomplishing a specific goal. This could be in the form of a question or asking for feedback. The MasterClass then comes together and uses their collective genius to support a member.

● Create accountability & adherence to the rules of the group.


Assign A Leader To The Business  Mastery MasterClass

● The leader is responsible for organizing the session and keeping things on track.

● They handle all of the logistics of the MasterClass , sets the agenda in advance for what the

MasterClass can expect to discuss


Assign A Time Keeper

● Keeps track of “hot seat coaching sessions” and ensures nobody goes over their time limit.

● Each person gets help from the group anywhere from 10-30 minutes, depending on the size of the MasterClass and duration of the meeting.


Create an Online Business Mastery MasterClass Community

● This can be in the form of a Facebook MasterClass or a WhatsApp MasterClass , so that the members can regularly communicate between meetings.

● This is so that people can connect, hold each other accountable and share their victories with one another.

“The people who you surround yourself with, might make or break your life. So choose wisely and it will help your way to success.”

Steve Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple

Are you ready to discover the Power Of the Business Mastery MasterClass ?

Join the Business Mastery MasterClass to gain the benefits of the Business Mastery MasterClass and access exclusive content and mentoring from Coach Luke Moyana



50.00 USD per Month Business Mastery MasterClass for Harare Only.

Maximum 15 in the Business Mastery MasterClass.

Did you know that just by being around high performance individuals you can increase your own performance by 15%+

Luke Moyana

Founder/CEO Business Wealth Network.


Professional Executive Coach | Business Coach | Motivational Speaker | Mentor | Trainer | Facilitator |

| MBA Milan Italy |

| MBA Catholic University ZW |

Multi Award Winning Business Coach.

ICMF Business Coach of the Year 2022.

Nothing will change until YOU do something to change it

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