A view from the mango tree-Of whirls, wheels and wills.
There is a lot of turbulence on the social, economic and political fora in Zimbabwe.
Civil servants, especially the educators are crying foul alongside their law enforcement counterparts who seem to be the lowest paid crying the most. This has been coupled with skyrocketing of prices in shops. The real time gross settlement black market rate by end of week now pegged at 10000 per dollar. There are whirls everywhere which have seen even the politically impotent standing firm to find the ‘perpetrator of their financial victimisation.’ The government has also took an apologetic stance and argued that the skyrocketing of prices is work of economic saboteurs who want to create an economic crisis to upset the electorate ahead of the 23rd. True to this, a number of educators are crying foul with some teacher organisations threatening to down tools. It is the swirls of the whirlwinds of the evil spirits upon our beloved nation shaking the walls of Jerusalem. Even a pauper on the streets is feeling the heat pushing more citizens below the poverty datum line. My question is: why the sudden upsurge as the polls close in?Its true that this could be the work of our detractors with the chief aim of ridiculing all the efforts that have been made by the 2nd Republic in resuscitation of the economy. These whirls have shook the major players on the political arena and have caused some upheavals that have created a number of uncertainties on the voters with regards to the outcome of the elections slotted for the 23rd of August. In some gray constituencies and wards ZANU PF members have decided to go independent amidst allegations of electoral fraud in the primary elections. Most however of these allegations are unfounded and possibly evidence of infiltration of the party by the opposition or some other force with the intent of destabilising the country. Even down there in Boterere Tafadzwa Masvayamwando who lost to sitting MP Priscilla Moyo aka Mai Zindari vows to stand for himself in the House of Assembly elections. He alleges he was cheated. Who knows? Can he become the Mwenezi version of the Norton legislator Temba ‘Bhuru’ Mliswa.The gods of politics will decide his fate. Hameno!
He is not alone, there are others dotted around the country who have jumped out of the ZANU PF ship to run for the elections in their personal capacity. CCC has also been marred with a lot more disrepancies in candidate nomination with numerous candidates reportedly also being handpicked by Nero to stand for various electoral districts. Is this not defeating the democratic process that they dearly purport to stand for? It’s quite a pity. The yellow machine has supposedly been hit by ‘yellow fever’ not forgetting the drama at the ‘red camp.’ The whilrwind also caught up with them with Komichi allegedly usurping power ahead of ‘court addict’ Douglas Mwonzora. Mwonzora to many is a political clown whose energy has been mainly channelled at going to court. But the best court is the court, not the legal one but the playfield where you have to prove your worth. A number of the political aspirants’ fate will be sealed on the 23rd and that is going to be their relegation to the political cemetery. Politics is a very delicate landscape not for the faint hearted. The 2nd Republic has shown without doubt that it is politically tolerant. People are having rallies and moving around in their different political attires without fear.
The wheels of change are on the way. Definitely whoever wins will ensure change comes to the people. The favourites ZANU PF will ensure the NDS1 and their Vision 2030 economic blueprint continues in a bid to ensure that Zimbabwe becomes a middle class economy by year 2030. Several projects have been completed and some nearing completion while others are being kick-started. Several cosy wheels have been availed to MPs and other political figures for smooth running of the campaign process across the political devide. May these wheels take us to the promised land.
May the will of the people conquer everything. It is the will of the electorate that has to decide the fate of these elections. Generations to come depend on this election. It determines their prosperity or suffering. Let’s all of us pray for the safeguarding of the hard earned fruits of our liberation. May God give power to those taking the reins to reign over all the woes bedevilling our community which include unemployment, health delivery and resurrection of the industry which has seen massive retrenchment of people. Peace be upon the people of my beloved nation. The President himself has been on point preaching about peace so let us all embrace it.
In soccer, Manchester City showed the world how football is played by adding the UEFA cup to their cabinet. It was another feather to the Etihad cap after ‘snatching’ the Barclays Premiership League from Arsenal who spent the better part of the season topping the log table. Halland was the talk of the season not forgetting Rodrigo whose magic feet won Manchester City the UEFA with a solitary strike that sent Inter-Milan to the gallows. All Rome bowed down in disappointment as England was painted blue. Its all about socer. In Zimbabwe, the football governing body put games at hold causing a public outcry with even veteran sports persons like Charles Mabika also qouted as condemning the move. It’s all about the beautiful game nothing else. It’s sad there is nothing to say relating to Chelsea-they finished the season biting the dust. Poor Stamfordbridge souls! Maybe next season they will break the jinx that has haunted them for the just ended football season. Rugare ruve nemi!!!
Chana CheMasvingo the Wordsmith