Gossip Hut

Gossip Hut

Dexter nduna, induna chaiyo chaiyo kana mazogara.

That guy has guts of a lion, kunyora magwaro to all councils kwahi ndini ndava kubovera mari yeparking, aahh yaa.

The Gossip Hut.

As if that was not enough Dexter had the dexterity to wear an academic gown on graduation day at the UZ, pachikomo chefundo yet he was not part of the graduands, pretending to have a degree. Whom he wanted to impress or fool, the devil knows.

Now you hear the minister of no energy announcing that the country is ready for nuclear energy investors like the ones in South Africa, minister our advice is simple stop smoking whatever you are smoking, its dangerous, you keep telling people what you know is not possible, siyanai nazvo, hapmihwe mihwe ipapo munochoboriwa.

Pastor at it again

This talented preacher or motivational speaker at this church tha used to shake Masvingo City CBD is at it again.

He has impregnated another congregant soon after landing from the most populous nation in Africa kwaanga ainda kunoromba.

Baba imwi batai chiuno chenyu, how can harvest in your own fish pond, nyaraiwo kana vatendi vachikunyaraiwo. No wonder the church is going through hard times, congregants are leaving in droves and some are starting their own vhangeri.

The last time he paid through the nose for sleeping with nhingi’s daughter.

Mutuvi presented his budget on Thursday and usual it was hot air, figures and figures not backed by nything, ZwG after ZwG and ZwG after ZwG, maiwee.

This 2030 thing is meant to divert our attention form rela issues on the ground, now we are preoccupied with this nonsense instead of focusing on economic development and removing those who want to eat alone, said one senior gossiper.

Kwahi kwatiri kuenda ndokwatakabva.

Regai timboisa mbeu pasi sezvo mvura yatanga tozodzoka kumakuhwa musi wechisi, tinenge takaguguchira.

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