Zanu PF wants to dramatize Mnangagwa’s people’s demand for third term resolution at the coming party conference.
The generality of Zanu PF supporters wouldn’t understand its political and economic implications. A few close to the looting trough are pushing the third term agenda.
Zimbabweans who understands the political and economical implications of the third term must unite to stop the dictator from dragging Zimbabwe into his grave.
Isaiah 1: 18-20 ” Come now, let us reason together…..If you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land but if you refuse and rebel you shall be eaten by the sword…”.
_ The situation calls every citizen to fight to stop this nonsense or ZanuPF madness.All political party leaders ,church leaders , business leaders, students let us come and reason together against this third term rubbish._
Like in 2017 rally in Gwanzura to remove Mugabe ,all Zimbabweans must hold a more or less rally on the very day stupid anti- constitution of Zimbabwe will be at the conference to endorse the third term agenda.This a life or death agenda.
If Zimbabweans let Mnangagwa go ahead with the third term agenda , the agenda to violate the Constitution,the agenda to disregard people’s wish …then we are allowing ruling party lawlessness…we are finished..we are doomed…we are dead
🇿🇼☝🏿🇿🇼 Patriotic Papa JC speaks when things are not good for citizens who want better change in Zimbabwe