Part 1
Aaron Gono
In our early days of life in the early 1970s (Generation X ), churches were a beacon of hope and salvation. That was where lost souls found company, solace and succour.
In generation Z, the churches became a mixed bag of religious zealots. Prosperity gospel became the order of the day; ‘ if you donate more money to the church, you shall prosper. If you have enough faith you will be healed’. On healing l also believe that your mind also plays a role in the healing process. This article is not anti- Christ as some will quickly conclude. I am also a believer but not a cultist.
The month of August for Christians is always a busy month of activities. Many churches particularly in Zimbabwe, will be holding ceremonies/ festivals in honour for the one who died for their sins. Some charismatic church leaders will be showcasing how God gave them the talent to tell us to repent or perish.
Some like the one prophet based in Masvingo will be telling his gullible congregants that he has direct communication with Jesus. Some will be telling theirs, to buy one brick and his or her dream of owning a mansion will come true. The wonders are endless and l hope one day l will grab that opportunity.
As Bishop Paul Mwazha is now old and frail, the residents of Chaka, Chirumanzu district were shocked to see, one of his sons destroying ablution facilities. This was done on the 14 of August 2024.
It was a cordon sanitaire to prevent the young brother who was given the spectre by the father, Bishop Paul Mwazha to hold his ceremony on the week beginning 26/08/24 to 02/09/24. These two brothers are vying for the same shrine which Bishop Mwazha created.
The eldest brother hired a Dozer D6 to destroy the ablution facilities at the shrine. Imagine hiring a Dozer to destroy your father’s legacy, because you think you are an heir. This simply displays that lust for power and economic benefits are the forces that now blight many churches.
The Mwazha episode includes three brothers fighting for recognition. I respect the other brother who built his shrine in Gutu West although some stone’s throw from his father’s. But anyway he is not a nuisance to the followers as he displays maturity, good leadership skills and enjoys his autonomy.
Let’s go back to 2007, Bishop Chad Gandiya versus Bishop Nolbert Kunonga of the Anglican Church of the Province of Central Africa. In a layman’s language it is called the Anglican Church or Church of England.
Bishop Nolbert Kunonga broke away from the church and seized priced assets, including its mission schools. Overnight Bishop Kunonga had money and power. Remember this period the late long time ruler Robert Mugabe was an eternal of Tony Blair.
Bishop Kunonga took that opportunity to scald the British as uncouth racists who owned vast tracts of land, whilst the majority of Zimbabweans were stuck in mountainous environs. He became a darling of some political heavyweights and also the police gave him protection. He was now a populist and promising more property seizures of the church. Then the Bishop of Canterbury paid a visit to Zimbabwe and held a meeting with the late Mugabe. Slowly Bishop Kunonga faded like dew ( kunyangarika sedova). The pomposity and fanfare had eluded him.
The godfather of pentecostalism and evangelism Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe (AFM) was lucky but not so lucky as it soon took the Kunonga Highway. The factions between Bishop Casper Chiyangwa and President A.M. Madzivire had theological differences. But at the end you could also realize the lust for power between the two. Although Bishop Chiyangwa took a good move and established his mission some kilometers away from Rufaro Mission, he could not wean himself from the name AFM. He only put “of Zimbabwe” to differentiate the two. In the 1960s this ugly hand once visited the church but it reunited, to be torn again. Hopefully the Rufaro and Mufaro Missions will bond together again.
In the 1990s the Roman Catholic Church once witnessed some dissidents Priests who called themselves ” Supa Roma”. They believed in “prophecism and speaking in tongues”. They wished to establish their presence using the Catholic resources. But the grey hounds of the Vatican Church quickly picked their scents and ex- communicated them.
Thanks to the strong guard rails of Pontificate/ Papacy. Karma also paid a courtesy call to them, as most of them are living or died in squalor, quandary and abject poverty.
We also watched the Marange factions fighting each other at Bocha shrine in Mutare. These are all succession animosities. Do churches have to operate like royalty, kingships and chieftainships. It must not be that way, Bishop Paul Mwazha, Makandiwa, Magaya had been anointed but that anointment cannot be automatically be a family affair.
Look at the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope can come out from any part of the globe. We are also waiting to see the next Papal coming from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Kenya etc.
The church is a place where believers gather to honour and praise God, it provides spiritual education through sermons, fosters a sense of community , filled with love among its members, it helps those in need, it offers pastoral and counseling to help individuals navigate personal and spiritual challenges, and it also promotes evangelism. If any church does not fit in the above, it is a ‘Cult’.