MASVINGO–Zion Apostolic Faith Mission Sungano Church, Bishop Jameson Pedzisai Andreas Shoko III was awarded a Doctor of Divinity in Bulawayo last month The Midweek Watch can reveal.
He was awarded with this degree at the annual Ecumenical Religious Clergy Conference which was held at Aloe Gardens in Bulawayo recently.
The Religious Ecumenical Awards Ceremony event is facilitated by Council for Churches in Africa (CCA) where they honour and confer certificates of academic, spiritual, philanthropic and social achievements/excellence amongst its affiliate members.
It is the highest recognition amongst indigenous churches for their tireless efforts in transforming their respective societies.
Dr Bishop Shoko said that he was very much delighted for being accorded such a prestigious award from a lot of deserving other recipients.
“I am very delighted and honoured for getting such a prestigious doctorate degree amongst other fellow associates and we will continue doing the work of the Lord for He is the one who has made it possible in the first place”, said the new Doctor.
Apostle Bishop Rocky Moyo the CCA president said that they are an Ecumenical and Ecclesiastical Authority umbrella body for indigenous churches in Africa and they are responsible for upholding Ubuntu which helps in maintaining the social, economic, political and cultural fabrics in society.
“Following the rigorous assessments, consultations and considerations the CCA saw it noble to honour and recognise icons, heroes and heroines in championing indigenous churches, transforming societies and livelihoods
“We bestow such highest recognition as a sustainable mechanism for promoting characters and candidates who deserve recognition since their qualities and capabilities are unquestionable”, said Bishop Moyo.
“Some of our members include those churches formed before and during the liberation struggle and their steadfast, resolute and courage to support Pan-Africanists and liberation stalwarts calls for recognition of highest honour”.
He went on to say that CCA has been recognising and realising the efforts of empowering the members of several institutions of higher learning have opted and volunteered to partner with them which includes Maxlus Christian University, Lagos University and Emmanuel University of Theology International