-as he accused her of bedding neighbour
MASVINGO – Getrude Msipa (37), who was arraigned before the courts facing domestic violence charges against his disabled husband Ishamel Chiwira (49), has been acquitted.
Msipa was being accused of pouring three 20 liter buckets of cold water on his disabled husband before slapping him several times on the face.
This case happened at a time when the entire world is commemorating the 16 days of activism against Gender Based Violence.
She was acquitted after the husband pleaded with courts not to send her away to prison since she is the one who takes care of him.
It was the State case that on 23 November 2023, at house number 2608, Fifth Street, Sisk in Masvingo at around 1100hrs, the accused and the complainant had a misunderstanding after the complainant confronted the accused of the love affair she was having with their neighbour.
Chiwira sent some text messages to his wife’s lover who then came and was warned and he left.
The two went back in their house and then the complainant asked his wife why she did not attend to the knock on the door and his wife started shouting at her husband saying that she was not having an affair with anyone.
Msipa then took three 20litre buckets of cold water and poured them her husband who was in his wheelchair and slapped him several times with open hands on the face.
The complainant reported the matter to the police and was referred to the hospital for examination where his medical report was produced in court for exhibition.
Ruvimbo Makoni prosecuted.