by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
I could not help wondering!
In fact, this question has perplexed me for some time now.
However, this moved from merely puzzling to totally bewildering after a recent tourism promotion campaign by the government of Zimbabwe.
I watched with much intrigue as the tourism minister Barbra Rwodzi (in white T shirt) hosted a number of visitors at Matopo Hills.

In an interview on the state-controlled broadcaster ZBC, she excitedly touted the breathtaking scenes of the unquestionably gorgeous place.
Most outstanding, she proudly narrated, was the grave of Cecil John Rhodes, the British mining magnate and politician, who is entombed on the hill.
For most of us here, we remember him as the man who led in the 1890 colonization of what was to become Zimbabwe.
Of course, at that time, it was named after him: Rhodesia.
What I found quite interesting and completely baffling was how a government that wanted everyone to believe they were fervently ‘anti-imperialist’ was so eager to market Rhodes’ grave.
Are they not the same people who love making so much noise with their liberation struggle rhetoric?
Are they not the ones who do not tire telling us of having ‘defeated colonialism’ and how this period in our history was unbelievably cruel?
Why, then, were they not busy directing both domestic and international visitors to the national heroes acre in Harare, for instance?
In fact, as I pondered on this matter, I actually began wondering if, probably, tourists were not permitted at the shrine.
After a quick Google search, I discovered that, to the contrary, all one needed was US$10 to tour the graves of our national heroes.
So, why was the government of Zimbabwe seemingly not particularly interested in marketing this site?
In all my life, quite honestly, I have never come across an advertisement on any of these places that symbolize our independence as a nation.
On the other hand, though, Rhodes’ grave is a permanent feature – amongst Victoria Falls, Hwange National Park, Great Zimbabwe, and numerous others.
Then a frightening thought dawned on me.

Maybe this was because, deep inside their hearts, those in power in Zimbabwe actually secretly adored Rhodes more than our own liberation icons.
In spite of all the hullabaloo and bluster on colonialism and its supposed evils, the ruling elite, in fact, idolized our colonizers.
We all know that our leaders are very good at pretending, or at least try to pretend, that they hate colonization.
However, the only thing they obviously loathed about this period, marked by racial segregation, was that they were excluded from the plush life they envied.
Deep down, they fancied the privileged lifestyle they observed being enjoyed by most amongst the white population.
That is the real reason that motivated those who hijacked the people’s struggle.
They also wanted to drink expensive whiskeys and dine in exquisite hotels – from which they were barred during the colonial era.
Their desire was to live in the opulent suburbs that were the preserve of the white population.
Above all else, nevertheless, was the greed for power – as only whites could govern the country.
There was never a genuine desire for the total emancipation of ordinary citizens.
Watching or reading old interviews (from the 1960s and 70s) featuring these so-called ‘nationalist leaders’, tells a very disturbing story.
When asked why they had decided to take up arms against the Rhodesia regime, they would tell of being prohibited from walking along First Street in Harare (then Salisbury).
They would be bitter over using separate toilets (at public places) with white people!
Rarely was the sorrowful predicament of the majority ever mentioned.
That is why even today, 43 years after independence, the vast majority of ordinary Zimbabweans still languish in abject poverty.
In actual fact, the plight of millions is today worse than during the colonial years – as living standards have plummeted into a horrifying abyss.
Which means that once those who hijacked the liberation struggle finally took over power, they solely focused on fulfilling their own ambitions.
Top of the list was looting as much as they could from the national treasure trove so as to enrich themselves at the fastest possible rate.
All this while, the majority of Zimbabweans sank deeper and deeper into poverty, with the economy pillaged into near oblivion.
The rural population is still trapped in a perpetual cycle of a subsistence livelihood – where they remain on the same land as the colonial times.
Even after the supposed ‘land reform program’ of the early 2000s, most families still eke out a living largely from semi-arid poor pieces of land.
If anything, they are made to feel ‘blessed’ in having agricultural inputs donated to them through such demeaning programs as ‘Pfumvudza’ – which are designed to restrict them to having just enough for their families to eat.
All this while, those in power own massive tracts of land that were confiscated from white commercial farmers – where they are reaping big.
It is even reported that former president Robert Gabriel Mugabe’s daughter, Bona, actually owns a staggering 21 farms!
In other words, for the privileged few in power, colonialism was, in fact, a good thing.
It opened the way for the high, lavish, and powerful life they are enjoying with reckless abandon today.
Without colonization, there would be no Borrowdale or Greystone Park.
Had we not been colonized, huge commercial farms owned by only a few would not be in existence.
Most of all, colonialism brought with it the powerful positions that they hog in modern-day Zimbabwe – with the traditional leadership system now virtually meaningless.
So, for what reason would they really despise Rhodes?
He is actually their hero – whom they need to revere.
Those in the ruling elite may not openly admit this, but that is a fact.
Is that not the reason those two presenters on ZBC (Victoria Manase and Farai Juliet Magada) could not help themselves glorify colonialism for opening the path for them to be on television and wearing ‘proper clothes’?
Let us not forget this was uttered live on the state-controlled broadcaster – which usually wants to portray itself as ‘anti-colonialism’.
It just goes to show that when the ruling clique and their hangers-on are excited enough, the truth will always find its way out.
In so doing, who means more to them: Rhodes or those people lying at the national heroes acre?
As a matter of fact, the answer is in how those who did the actual fighting during the war of independence have since been abandoned and cast onto the fringes of society.
Is there then any wonder why the government of Zimbabwe regards Rhodes’ grave as the place to be?
I would not be surprised at all if they even said a quiet (or maybe not so quiet) thank you whilst at this site!
● Tendai Ruben Mbofana is a social justice advocate and writer. Please feel free to WhatsApp or Call: +263715667700 | +263782283975, or email:, or visit website: