
We should all work with sincerity towards the Africa we want…


Help build your countries of origin.

Most Africans don’t want to be in the struggle with their countries. They will look for an opportunity to join a country that is already doing well.

This happens from family level too. Relatives will visit and call upon the family member who is financially stable, while neglecting the ones hustling to make ends meet.

In business too. They don’t want to associate with the one building a new business, but will surround the one who looks like they are already established and bringing in the Money.

For us to grow, we need to be part of the hustle to build our countries, be positive and help South Africa in spreading our population evenly.

Africa is for every African but fact is, South Africa is overwhelmed with illegal immigrants because it is developed, beautiful and has opportunities most African countries don’t have.

Leaders, lets build our countries so we can evenly share resources within Africa and then outside. Ndataura asi itai zvamunoda! (I’ve spoken, do what you want).

Every Africa must work towards the Africa we want…

We can’t claim to be raising future generations of warriors on the basis of lies.

We are creating perpetual slaves, when we lie to the upcoming generation that we liberated them whilst the opposite is true. We camouflaged colonialism, apartheid, liberalism and capitalism into neo-colonialism, neo-apartheid, neo-liberalism and imperialism the highest stage of capitalism. By so doing we are prolonging the suffering of our people. The upcoming generation deserves the truth, so that they discover and shape their mission and destiny or consciously betray it. Former freedom fighters who turned Colonial Administrators/Clerks and Policy Askaris Incorporated (house niggers/baas boys and girls) are a danger to the society.

 False Hope from Neo- Liberal economic Policing & Politicking..

This is the euphoria the bourgeois democrats (comtsotsis) create to lull the minds of unsuspecting landless, homeless and destitute black African majority so as to hoodwink them not to pay attention to their economic deprivation. They create a false hope that one day, they will also be like them. The illiterate and semi-illiterate are the unconscious captives of this bourgeois democracy machinations because they don’t have critical minds and the tools of analysis. Without the ABCs of politics and ideological convictions they live on rumours, gossip, fairy-tails & prejudices, but not politics. The illiterate & semi-illiterate people are unable to understand the essence and causes of imperialist exploitation, the deception & anti-popular character of bourgeois democracy, or to see through the lies they’re being fed daily by the media. They can’t form an objective picture of what’s going on around them because they simply have no way of learning the facts.

 Not yet Uhuru!

Learn or Perish!..🥷🏿

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