Uhuru celebrations to change face of Buihera
BUHERA-Buhera Rural District Council (RDC) has said the hosting of National Independence Day Celebrations in the district has brought with it a lot of benefits to the community at large.
The preparatory works for the day are at an advanced stage with all the feeder roads leading to the venue undergoing maintenance, renovation of the host school Murambinda B Secondary School’s infrastructure, drilling of 50 boreholes and the construction of a new stadium which will be the main venue.
Speaking in an interview with Mid-Week Watch, Buhera RDC Chairperson Thomas Matsenhura said the district is having a major facelift in infrastructural development which was going to take them more than five years to achieve under normal circumstances.
“Buhera district will never be the same again as the hosting of the National Independence Day Celebrations has brought with it massive infrastructural development, chief among these being the construction of a new stadium which will be the main venue and the renovation of the hosting school’s infrastructure.
“Truly speaking, it was going to take us more than five years to achieve all these massive developmental projects being undertaken.
“So, we are grateful that our district has been chosen to host the National Independence Day Celebrations, ” he said.
The Independence Day Celebrations will be running under the theme, ‘Embracing devolution and decentralisation of economic development from the capital city to the peripheries of the country’.