
The UK, US’ s modus operandi in Africa and other peripheries….


The modus vivendi of the British empire and US hegemony is to suppress weak countries and stoke instability and chaos in Africa and other third world countries.

Their modus operandi is to give aid, bribe or corrupt African leaders, bending them to their own shapes. Kaddafi wanted to play Africa’ s Kingmaker and he was neutralised; Robert Mugabe wanted to be Africa’ s intellectual and he was mobbed; Samora Machel wanted to be a true socialist or ‘commie’ and he was extinguished; Patrice Lumumba wanted to outwit the Americans and he was ‘ bleksemmed’; Saddam Hussein wanted to taste America’ s poisonous mushroom and he was guillotined; the list is endless and we need to understand how the two view the peripheries.

In 1884 Africa was shared or partitioned at the Berlin Conference, Germany. Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Portugal and Spain got their dividends.

Those who studied History at secondary schools, know it as ” The Scramble for Africa. In actual fact that was the beginning of the colonisation of  the  African continent by the big 7. Still now Africa is still trying to emancipate itself from those colonial shackles. Some clever blacks still do not think that Africa is tied to its former colonial masters; as most got independent in the early 60s.

They only view it as a continent failed by its indigenous owners and run by kleptocrats, demagogues and dictators.  Most cite mismanagement of resources and corruption as Africa’ s curse.

 So, when the big 7 got hold of Africa, they were not looking for spaces to build their homes. But they were prospecting for its rare minerals, like gold and diamonds. During that time the two minerals were like lithium and cobalt in today’s world.

 Bank vaults in many European cities are in custody of African ores, which are now legally theirs.

Many African leaders are also failing to retrieve artefacts stolen or taken during colonisation or some limbs of early fighters who rose against the invaders.

International laws are used to bully African leaders; failing to obey them henceforth you are accused of not respecting property or intellectual rights.

Sanctions, demonizing and name calling will visit them. It is unfortunate that the current British Minister of Ilegal Migration, Michael Tomlinson of the Conservative Party is trying to cow the Labour Party to support their Rwanda excursion whereby the British government wants to export illegal immigrants to the east African country.

Tomlinson said the following, trying his best to persuade the world, “Everyone who decides whether someone should be relocated there – including immigration officers and the courts – must treat Rwanda as safe. International law can’t overrule that. If the European Court of Human Rights wants to intervene to halt someone’s removal to Rwanda, a government minister will decide whether we comply. “

Only those four sentences which l copied from the article Tomlinson wrote on The Daily Telegraph of 10 December 2023, exhibited hubris and disrespect of international laws which our former masters want us to tow the line or else you are condemned.

If a British Minister threatens to ignore the international law just because he wishes to ship or airlift stowaways to Rwanda, so that the British people won’t carry the burden of taking care of illegal immigrants in London, and then who will be taking care of them in Kigali?. When our own Robert Mugabe was at loggerheads with Zapu in Matebeleland and Midlands provinces, he was knighted by the British Queen.

I don’t understand why these ‘Basses’ when it suits them, they can bend the laws and allow themselves to pass and straighten them when some ‘ niggas’ try to jump the fence.

 The minister from his article is trying to subjugate and ignore international law, so that he is able to send his cargo to Rwanda.

My question is; are these illegal immigrants only from Africa? If they are all not, so it’s wise to establish  British “keeps” in every continent. It was very disingenuous for a British legislator to try to tell us that international laws can be scrapped.

 In Africa we are very organized in changing those statutes. So, Tomlinson be warned, once bitten twice shy. We know this game better than all the Caucasians. The opposition parties of Zimbabwe are controlled by legal minds, so don’t try this at home.

Some rumours are milling around that the Russian army is gaining ground in Ukraine and its soldiers are now disoriented. I feel sorry for Biden, as Trump in his election manifesto next year will exposé him as hawkish and draining America of its resources in a far away country of the former Soviet Union.

Yes, Ukraine is of strategic importance to the US, as it acts as a buffer against Russia. But now America’s resources have been strained more by the Hamas, who went beserk on 7 October 2023, killing Jewry civilians, thereby angering Binjamin Netanyahu, who is now hitting back at them like a possessed apostle. Real fighters must avoid targeting unarmed civilians.

So, America’ s integrationist approach of the 1970s has gone, it now uses force to get what it wants.

Many countries in Asia and Africa are under the watchful eye of Big Brother, any ‘silly’ move you are registered. Sanctions and stoking wars in countries that do not subscribe to the Caucasians’ way of doing things is its main achievement in the world geopolitics.

The rising giant China is passive, it only cares about its Hong Kong and Taiwan and reaping off the African continent. But it is not Machiavellian like the US. It is a little bit principled as it hangs its Belt and Road initiative for every African leader to pick, and in return it will get whatever it may deem necessary. In the mainland it is called  “guanxi” – (pronounced gwan-che ), ( kandiro kanopfumba kunobva kamwe or dzinonanzvana dzakakora).

We thought in the 21st century wars will be something to be avoided at all cost but the so-called developed countries are creating weapons of mass destruction daily. To kill whom? A human being!

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