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 Rev Mukahanana takes own life as adultery chats go viral

A United Methodist Church Reverend took his own life after his adultery scandal leaked in the church’s WhatsApp group.

The Harare East District Superintendent, Rev Oscar Mukahanana, could not withstand the shame and shock of church members and his family and committed su**ide yesterday.

The Sinful Drama

Rev Oscar Mukahanana allegedly got into an adulterous relationship with a female youth member of the UMC.

In leaked WhatsApp audios, the District Superintendent had a sneaky rendezvous with the church lady. The two had some sinful tlof tlof and were now having pillow talk. Reverend Mukahanana was quite glad he gave the girl a good session before her menstrual cycle.

He bragged:

“Asi Ndaputitsa munhu akuda kuenda.”

The youth member also giggled as the Reverend told her he had satisfied her. In another WhatsApp audio, the two were heaving and gasping for air as they got busy to work.

As the leader and his secret lover were having a blast of a time, Rev Oscar Mukahanana was reportedly oblivious that he was mistakenly recording the WhatsApp audios. Mysteriously, he shared the audios in the church WhatsApp group by mistake, and all hell broke loose.

The shocked church members could not contain themselves and let the issue slide. They started jeering and forwarding the WhatsApp audios to other groups. They even began creating memes and ridiculing the District Superintendent over the adultery storm.

After putting the church and his family in the spotlight through the embarrassing encounter, a dark cloud hovered over Rev Oscar Mukahanana’s head. Yesterday, the respected church leader could not stomach the guilt and pressure that befell him, and he took his own life. ONLINE SOURCE

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