…Chief Njelele hails the company for affordable policies for the elderly
GOKWE-Upcoming and fast growing Remembrance Funeral Services( RFS) headquartered in Gweru has opened a branch in the cotton growing community of Gokwe bringing such funeral services to their doorstep.
The branch becomes the fourth after Plumtree, Filabusi and Gweru which opened their doors to the public this year, The Midweek Watch has learnt.

Speaking at the official opening at Gokwe Centre on Sunday, RFS director, Annie Ndlovu said, the establishment of the branch was meant to give relief and cheaper services to the community.
Ndlovu added that, funeral cover was not supposed to be for the rich and well up in society as everyone deserves a decent send off regardless of their status in society hence they brought the service nearer to the people.
“We have come to Gokwe to open our fourth branch here and very soon after the formalities we are going to open the Shurugwi branch which will also cater for the Shurugwi community.
“The idea is to give services closer to the people, because we are saying there is need for each and everyone to get a decent burial. We also want to move from a trend where burial is unaffordable.
“We have come to understand that people sometimes fail to get money to get decent burial services during difficult times. We are saying it matters for people to get relief in times of need and our fees are very affordable,” she added.
Gokwe paramount Chief Njelele Magota expressed gratitude to the Remembrance Funeral saying their arrival had brought relief to the elderly.
“I am happy to say that your coming here will help the community to get the services which suit their pockets.
” We don’t want a scenario where funeral services are brought to the people, and people start to paying but when they need a service they are told funny stories to do with inflation and lapses.

” If people have paid for their services, render the services properly, among your packages I have seen that you have packages for the elderly. Please give them a decent burial because some of them die when they are very poor where they cannot even afford a coffin,” said the outspoken Chief.
Gokwe Urban Residents Development Association chairperson (GURDA), Mike Chagwinya Gwasha said the establishment of funeral services was key in the development of Gokwe Town.
“This is the type of development that we yearn for as a town, development which brings affordable services closer to the people.
“This means that vendors, bricklayers, kombi drivers, persons with disabilities and the elderly can now afford to get a decent burial.
“Times of grief are difficult considering the economic hardships in the country. There is need for an affordable plan like what Remembrance has done,” he added
Remembrance was established in 2023 and it has grown from strength to strength as witnessed by the number of branches opened thus far.
The funeral services company is manned by well trained and professional staff who are always available to help whenever possible.