A series of post extracted by NewsReportzim.com shows that there os bad blood between Wicknell Chivhayo and Olinda Chapel Nkomo.
Check the series of posts below:
Olinda Speaks;
Murume chaiye haapihwe mota nemumwe murume🙄🙄🙄
There I said it. Your sugar daddy has a sugar daddy.
Another Shot
You have spent ZANU Pf money 😂😂😂. ZANU PF if your sugar daddy. I am self made. Self financed, SELF made millionaire and Handizi ma slay queen awajaira kutengera magaro. Tsek !
PS tirikuda magetsi edu ‼️
Another 3 shot
Mweya 🙌🏻hauteengw .
Mweya wepasowe ndewe mhahara .🙏 havazi vese vanopfeka gemenzi vane mwenje 🙏
No one loves you that’s why you have to go around asking for “quotations”. You have nothing else to throw at me but the word “hure”. Sorry I only date men with big d^*cj energy !Go explain to your wife kuti musi wa 01/10/2023 what were you doing next to me 😂😂😂😂
After that then explain to her kuti the blonde girl that wa in economy whilst we were in business class ndiani !
Inini usandidenhe nditori ne challenging behaviour kare !
Zimbabwe has 16 Million people. You claim you are worth more than 100 million. Vapeka ma 100k each kana urimbinga chaiyo. Buying less than 10 cars (without papers) and you think you are BIG 😂😂😂😂 the only thing big about you is your weight mfanami. I stand for Zim!
BP yangu iri Pa 150/90. Saka regai ndimborara. Tingonzwa kuti go see Victor ma hospital asati agadzirwa ka 🙄 Ndosaka waida kukinditswa Pa airport ne boys pamusaka pe 20m yawakaba ! Ndidenhe futi ndiitaure nyaya yacho.
Right now 80% of you are cheering for the new cars either muri pa candle,Pa torch , Pa rambi kana pama solar light.
Rimwe dafi rakadya mari yemagetsi 😂😂😂😂😂
Ma Citizen ndimi mune problem. Munhu wese kumasowe mukweshwe mudzimu nemashave !