Never follow a corpse into the grave


Welshman Ncube’s CCC is in the mortuary

“Chamisa like any other human being isn’t perfect.He has his own weaknesses.Jesus being God lost his tempers and had to beat people who had “turned His father’s house into a den of the devil”.

Zimbabweans hope is in Chamisa.Welshman Ncube and his few misguided group might think that attacking Chamisa will make them popular but it’s the opposite.Leaders don’t want to learn.History has very good lessons.

Bishop Kunonga tried to snatch the Anglican Church but failed. Mwonzora tried on the MDCA but failed. Ncube is attempting on the CCC but will fail. Its very difficult to snatch an institution built on the soul.

Opposition leaders in happier times.

Anglican Church, MDCA and CCC are not mere ideological organizations but their foundation is the soul, faith and spiritual convection. Organisations of such nature are very difficult to stage in-house coup.

The only route for anyone in the organization not happy with the leadership must engage for his or her ideas to be understood. If one believes his or her ideas will never be understood it’s best to move out and start something new rather than try a coup

 Bishop Kunonga believed his coup had been successful but it was the opposite. Mwonzora was flashing as he celebrated victory of winning buildings and name of MDCA.Welshman Ncube and Tshabangu’s CCC are following the Mwonzora footsteps.

The soul of the Anglican Church wasn’t with Kunonga. The Kunonga faction preached in empty churches. The soul of the Anglican Church had to congregate under trees and in open spaces. Kunonga failed to stage a coup on these souls.

Mwonzora took buildings and name.

The soul of the party refused to believe in him. The Mwonzora coup failed on the spirit of the party. The MDCA became a political party of the body without the soul and spirit. The body needs earthly things….money. MDCA became an organization driven by earthly (money) things without a soul, heart and spirit.

An organization or body without a heart is dead. MDCA is dead as, it tried to move without a heart. Bishop Kunonga’s church is dead, as it tried to move without a heart. The heart pumps blood. The moment the heart stops a human being or any living creature drops dead.

MDCA and Kunonga’s church dropped dead the moment they ignored and believed they can survive without a heart. Welshman Ncube is walking in the same dangerous lane. He thinks his CCC can miraculously survive without a heart? I hereby challenge him to stage a rally in Bulawayo, Harare, Mutare and any other place if his choice, if he can attract 1000 people I would declare that he has won the hearts, soul and spirit of the people.

Zimbabweans aren’t like flies that follow a corpse into the grave. Bishop Kunonga’s church is as dead as a dodo. Mwonzora’s MDCA is as dead as a dodo. Welshman Ncube’s CCC is in the mortuary and the undertaker is ready.

🇿🇼☝🏿🇿🇼Papa JC speaks when things are not good for citizens who want better change in Zimbabwe.


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