MASVINGO-The Local Government Board has appointed Chipinge Town Council Treasurer, James Mutemera as the substantive Secretary after emerging as the best candidate during the interviews held in November last year, Midweek Watch has learned.
Mutemera who has been acting in that capacity since April 2021.
Sources within Chipinge Town Council told this publication that Mutemera was appointed on Tuesday.
“Mutemera was appointed by the government on Tuesday. His offer letter was also delivered to the local authority,” said the source.
In an interview this morning, Town Chairman Cllr Kingston Dhlumo said he is yet to receive the information regarding Mutemera’s appointment.
“I do not have that information as yet. Try checking with me at around 12 mid day,” he said.
The local authority’s PR officer Fungai Mutapati echoed the same sentiment.
Chipinge Town Council advertised for the top job in June 2023.The post fell vacant after the dismissal of Susan Dube in December 2021 for gross incompetence. She had served the local authority as a secretary for nine years.
A total of five candidates came for the interviews and three were short listed with Mutemera emerging as the best.