Local Authority

Joy as Odzi gets first community hall

Nyasha Marumbi

ODZI-There was pomp and fanfare as tens of people celebrated the official opening of Odzi’s first community hall in the mining and farming village last Thursday.

The official opening of the first community hall for Odzi which was constructed by Mutare Rural District Council was done by the Minister of State for Manicaland Province and Devolution, Misheck Mugadza.

The historic occasion was also attended by Mutare North legislator, Admire Mahachi, Mutare RDC chief executive officer, Shepherd Chinaka, officer commanding ZRP Mutare District, Superintendent Plaxedes Mbira, Chief Zimunya, Environmental Management Agency officials, senior civil servants, villagers from Vhoiri, Arda Transau, Mount Mainje and Marange among others.  

Odzi Location is situated in ward 31, Mutare North, and the councillor for the area is Pedzisai Gojo.

Odzi is a rich farming and mining area endowed with gold and good soil and is about 6km from the Mutare-Harare Highway.

The RDC started the construction of the community hall in 2019 and this facility will be used for weddings, ward meetings, the councillor’s office will be housed at the hall as well and it will be hired out for private functions to raise money for the local authority, said Chinaka.

Speaking to The Midweek Watch at the event, one of the villagers, Carlington Kapito said he was grateful that the RDC has finally finished the construction of the multi-purpose hall in their community and they will be able to access their councillor at a central point.

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