Dear Editor,
I am a subscriber of First Mutual funeral cash plan and I have been religiously paying the required monies but when l was in need of the funeral cover after the passing on of my mother Vester Sithole on March 3 the company is not willing to give the funeral cover.
I contacted one Ellen Pembani from 3 March to date and she is now pushing me from one office to another and from the offices I am being directed back to her.
I feel robbed by First Mutual since death is a stubborn fact when one claims the cover he/she should get.
I feel pained because the money was supposed to be used on the funeral and we have since buried my mother still the money has not come.
I guess I am not the only person being robbed hence the management of First Mutual should act to protect innocent clients.
Yours faithfully
Chikaraito Sithole
Bulawayo 24