Expect water now: City of Harare



The City of Harare has said water situation in the city is expected to start improving water supply after reintroducing Darwendale raw water into Morton Jaffray treatment works.

This comes after majority of the Harare suburbs have not been receiving water for days.

In a statement, the City said Morton Jaffray treatment plant reduced water production by 33 percent due to very bad raw water and this affected transmission to both Lochinvar and Warren Control.

“Warren Control experienced power failure from 1747hrs to 2010hrs on October 2, 2023, thus further constraining coverage. The northern suburbs are not receiving water.

“The south western suburbs including parts of Mufakose, Crowborough, Glaudina, Kuwadzana and Dzivaresekwa are accessing water while southern suburbs including Mbare, Ardbennie, Prospect, Airport and Eyre Court are accessing water as per demand management schedule.”

Meanwhile, Harare City Health Director, Dr Prosper Chonzi has encouraged residents to stay on high alert following confirmed cholera cases as it has potential to spread rapidly.

As of October, 3 2023 the City had 5 confirmed cholera cases in Hopely Zone 5, Stoneridge, Southlands, Granary, and Adbernie Mbare. Three of the cases had visited Buhera where there is a cholera outbreak while some may have contracted it from local sources.


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