
Every dog has its day, maybe 2023 was not yours

-as God is in it



As we end each year we all have tendencies of counting our blessings, our losses, our profits everything that we had planned that we achieved and that which we failed to achieve. Which is good for those who would have achieved what they planned for the year.

It becomes motivating and encouraging, but to someone who failed to achieve their goals it becomes disheartening and discouraging.

But we forget to remind ourselves that we might have the basics of what we want to achieve, but without the Lord allowing it to happen at that given time it will not happen.

A blessing produces results without pain. It is this blessing that maketh rich without adding pain nor sorrow to it.

Proverbs 10:22 says; the blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. This means that since it is The Blessings of the Lord that added no sorrow, the question therefore is, what is the difference between results produced by The Blessing and results produced by other sources?

Everyday people get involved in cults and  different beliefs not because they understand the belief but it’s about the prosperity and wealth that will be attached to the source.

The truth is that there are no other sources of results besides ….The Blessing. Therefore, that route you want to follow, ask yourself if you are ready for the outcome that is why the Bible is clear that it is only The Blessing of God that adds no sorrow.

This means any other blessing beside The Blessing of the Lord is too costly. The Blessing may be slow, but it will be sure; it may be slow, but it will be peaceful.

Once in a while I browse through Facebook and other social interfaces thus the only time you realize how the other sources of blessing can affect families and lives in the long run.

One of the mistakes often made is to assume that The Blessing is the material manifestation like a car, mansion and money in one’s account. In actual fact, The Blessing is what God puts on you to produce those things.  

There are doctors engineers, professors who have no houses no buildings that they own, but you find someone in the same field owning more than four or more buildings, strip a blessed man of a house, money, car, he is not perturbed because what is on him would produce another one.

 That is why when the Philistines struggled with Isaac over the well, Isaac was not bothered; he kept digging replacement wells and kept finding water. The blessed man does not strive over anything because they know they have an infinite means to reproduce it.

It is in the nature of The Blessing to make us prosper in any profession and at any location. Therefore, it is not limited to certain locations or professions.

This is because, location does not make men, men make locations. I was thinking over the story of David, how a stone that he threw was enough to put Goliath down.

No doubt David must have been skillful to have chosen a sling as his weapon of choice, but it was the only opening in Goliath’s armour that the stone penetrated.

This is beyond skill. That stone was a supernaturally-guided one. This shows that skill has its place, The Blessing too has its place. Ask the Lord for His Blessing on you today.

As we start thinking about the things that we envision let us be reminded that The Blessing is what God puts on you to produce those things  that you want and need  and that location does not make men , men are the ones who make the location.

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