Crime and CourtsLatest

City grapples with high crime rate

Midweek Reporter

Harare Province has recorded the highest crime rate in the first quarter from January 2024 to 31 March 2024 as compared to other provinces.

The crime rate in Harare Province almost doubled the national crime rate at 2, 877.5 per 100,000 people against the national average of 1, 460.6 in the period under review.

In the 2024 first quarter crime statistics report released by Zimstat  this weekend, Harare, Midlands, Mashonaland Central and Mashonaland East provinces recorded an increase in crime rate as compared to the crime rates recorded in the 4th quarter 2023.

“The crime rate in Harare Province nearly doubled the national crime rate, at 2, 877.5 per 100, 000 people against the national average of 1, 460.6, ” reads part of Zimstat report.

Nationally, the ZRP recorded 221, 704 crimes from January to March 2024, an increase from 221,596 crimes recorded in the 2023 fourth quarter.

“The police recorded 221, 704 offences over the period from January to March 2024. The recorded offences rose by 108 cases from 221, 596 offences recorded in the fourth quarter of 2023,” reads the Zimstat report.

The report outlined that vulnerability to crime in Harare, Bulawayo and Midlands Provinces was above the national average.

ZRP Commissioner General Godwin Matanga.

Crimes against public safety and state security, acts against property only and acts leading to harm or intending to cause harm to the person dominated on the total number of crimes recorded in the period under review.

“Of the 221, 704 cases recorded in the first quarter of 2024, crimes against public safety and state security were the most common with 87,834 cases recorded. The second most common type of crime recorded was Acts against property only, with 53, 975 cases.

“Acts leading to harm or intending to cause harm to the person were 41, 143,” the report reads.

Of the total number of people charged by the police for all offences, 88% were male.

Crime statistics helps in informing policy development and planning in the criminal justice system and lay bare crime trends in communities to enable law enforcement agents to develop strategic interventions to reduce crime rates.

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