Brian James throws in towel, follows Chamisa
Mutare Central Constituency MP and former Mayor, Brian James has followed Chamisa and tendered his resignation from CCC and parliament on Wednesday.
Last week on Friday Chamisa shoked the nation and announced his departure from CCC which he formed two years ago citing infiltration as the self styled secretary general, Sengezo Tshabangu went on a rampage purging CCC MPs and councillors across the country triggering expensive by elections for the nation.
The last round of by elections cost ZEC US$6m and the February 3 by elections may cost far more.
James beat Zanu PF’s transport mogul cum politician Isau Mupfumi in last year’s August harmonised.
James said he has decided to step down from Parliament following months of frustration by impostor, Tshabangu.
James is also a former Manicaland Provincial treasurer of the original Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) led by the late much loved, Dr Morgan Tsvangirai.
“The recent events have given all elected officials a chance to evaluate their positions within the CCC and the state of the CCC itself.
“We all joined the CCC with high hopes of dislodging the ruling party and accepted the structures and selection processes.
“While not perfect we came so close in achieving this despite the state sponsored obstacles. This being the ultimate aim of any opposition party…why, then, would anyone want to sabotage that, for any reason?
“The Party has been so infiltrated by the very party we oppose, and with the assistance of using the captured state institutions.
“It therefore begs the question; how effective would the party be in securing Electoral reforms and entrench a democratic political system when controlled by the ruling party?
“Although my participation, is still in the early days of my tenure I had hoped we could achieve greater reforms in the ensuing 5 years. I however find it difficult, even impossible to be part of this lie and as a result intend to formally document my resignation from the Parliament of Zimbabwe.
“It must also be stated here that my allegiance still lies with Adv Nelson Chamisa and his original vision,” said James in a statement.