Poetry Corner

Before letting him in your sacred place.

“What are his intentions with me? Does he love me? Is he going to play me?” These are questions you should ask yourself before sleeping with a guy.

Men are very deceptive. They can claim to be good, loving, supportive and honest. Whereas they are not. Don’t be forced to stay in a toxic relationship. Don’t be blinded by the nice gifts he gives you, or constant trips to resort places. Dear, men are manipulative. They can control and influence you to have sex with them because they think money has power. 1000 USD in your account, so what? Will that bring back your pride? Love can be a very dangerous and selfish thing. It is sometimes the most downfall to us women, because when we love, we love with everything we have. It makes you forget about all the pain the one you love caused you. Don’t make a fool of yourself. Don’t stay with someone who doesn’t value you. Don’t let looks fool you. First, understand and learn the person you are with and see if he truly loves you or just wants to sleep with you.

Dear girl, you are beautiful, you are strong, and you deserve respect. You should never let anyone disrespect you or treat you in a way that makes you feel bad about yourself. You are more than your physical appearance, and your worth is not determined by what others say about you. Know that you are valuable and that you should never settle for less than you deserve. You have the right to say no to anything that makes you uncomfortable, even if the person pressuring you says that you owe them. You should never feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do, and you should never feel afraid to tell your partner NO.

Wadzanai Mbengo

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