Africa must unite, undo the borders imposed on our countries by Berlin Conference..
Colonial partitioning birthed colonial borders which birthed colonial nations and colonial identities on Africa solely for collective subjugation and exploitation.
Our people have since inherited the colonial setup and continue the exploitation on all of us for personal benefits while colonial status quo and paradigm abound on Africans on our territories.
Reason we can never benefit from our enormous resources within this setup only those of us managing it and the offsprings of the colonialist who instituted it will continue benefitting from our God given common wealth.
Until we collectively share this information to all African for us to undoberlinconference1884 and redefine Africa nothing will change from generation to generation as orchestrated in Berlin conference 1884..
A new Africa is possible in this 21st century The united Africa states framework will negotiate our collective military monetary border educational and foreign policies for all of Africa while ethnic sub states will determine the mode of governing themselves internally with their territory while each sub group is represented in the Africa congress of the united Africa states.
This is the only real break for Africa and our kind worldwide..
Reflect, learn and wise up Zimbabwe..🇿🇼
In Zimbabwe’s political arena, where power is the only card to play
Leaders strut and posture, in a high-stakes display.
They play a game of chicken, with the nation at stake,
Ignoring the cries of the people, for their own sake.
In Harare’s halls of governance, egos run amok,
As politicians jostle, for a seat to unlock.
They play a reckless game, with Zimbabwe’s fate,
Ignoring the signs of distress, tempting fate.
But playing chicken in Zimbabwe comes with a price,
As the economy falters, and freedom pays the vice.
Leaders refuse to yield, blinded by ambition’s glow,
And in the end, it’s the citizens who bear the blow.
So let us learn from Zimbabwe’s political strife,
And strive for unity, to rebuild a better life.
For when leaders play chicken, it’s the people who cry,
And in the end, it’s unity that will help us fly.
Learn or Perish!🥷🏿